Sqjnpemm{i Cp`thweqjhi Onpr Xhm` oepqnm`k|mncn jnlo|~rep` (PC) operepok` lmnfeqrbn hglememhi b qbgh q onb{x`el{lh j mei rpeanb`mhlh. Hqundm{l p`qxhpemhel xhm{ PC a{k` Industry Standard Architecture (ISA), jnrnp` meqlnrp m` qbnh ncp`mhwemh bqe eye hqonk|gserq dk oephtephim{u sqrpniqrb c opehlsyeqrbemmn mhgjni xhphmni onknq{ opnosqj`mh, j`j m`ophlep, gbsjnb{e j`pr{ rho` Sound Blaster. Xhm` Peripherals Connection Interface (PCI), qr`md`pr ophxedxhi m` qlems qoevhthj`vhh VESA VL bus, qr`k` qr`md`prmni qhqrelmni xhmni dk a{qrpndeiqrbs~yhu oephtephim{u sqrpniqrb j`j m`ophlep, dhqjnb{e jnmrpnkkep{ h cp`thweqjhe ok`r{. Rel me lemee, bmedpemhe 3D cp`thjh scnpnf`er oepecpsghr| xhms PCI. Sqjnpemm{i cp`thweqjhi onpr (AGP) }rn p`qxhpemhe xhm{ PCI, w|e m`gm`wemhe nap`anrj` ank|xhu l`qqhbnb d`mm{u 3D cp`thjh. Intel p`gp`a`r{b`k` AGP, dk pexemh dbsu opnakel oeped bmedpemhel 3D cp`thjh m` PCI. Bn-oepb{u, 3D cp`thj` rpeaserq j`j lnfmn ank|xe o`lrh hmtnpl`vhh rejqrspm{u j`pr (texture maps) h z-astep` (z-buffer). Wel ank|xe rejqrspm{u j`pr dnqrsomn dk 3D ophknfemhi, rel kswxe b{ckdhr jnmewm{i pegsk|r`r. Oph mnpl`k|m{u naqrnrek|qrb`u z-astep, jnrnp{i qndepfhr hmtnpl`vh~ nrmnqys~q j opedqr`bkemh~ cksahm{ hgnap`femh, hqonk|gser rs fe o`lr| j`j h rejqrsp{. ]rnr jnmtkhjr oepednqr`bker p`gp`anrwhj`l 3D lmnfeqrbn b`ph`mrnb dk b{anp` norhl`k|mncn pexemh, jnrnpne nmh ophbg{b`~r j ank|xni gm`whlnqrh o`lrh dk rejqrsp h z-astep`, h pegsk|r`r{ m`opls~ bkh~r m` j`weqrbn b{bndhlncn hgnap`femh. P`gp`anrwhjh PC hlekh p`mee bnglnfmnqr| hqonk|gnb`r| qhqrelms~ o`lr| dk up`memh up`memh hmtnpl`vhh n rejqrsp`u h z-astep`, mn ncp`mhwemhe b r`jnl ondunde, a{k` oeped`w` r`jni hmtnpl`vhh wepeg xhms PCI. Opnhgbndhrek|mnqr| cp`thweqjni ondqhqrel{ h qhqrelmni o`lrh ncp`mhwhb`~rq thghweqjhlh u`p`jrephqrhj`lh xhm{ PCI. Jpnle rncn, xhphm` onknq{ opnosqj`mh PCI, hkh ee eljnqr|, me dnqr`rnwm` dk nap`anrjh cp`thjh b pefhle pe`k|mncn bpelemh. Wrna{ pexhr| }rh opnakel{ Intel p`gp`anr`k` AGP.

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Eqkh nopedekhr| jp`rjn, wrn r`jne AGP, rn }rn - opl{l qnedhmemhel lefds cp`thweqjni ondqhqrelni h qhqrelmni o`lr|~. ]rn pexemhe ongbnker naeqoewhr| gm`whrek|mn kswxhe onj`g`rekh oeped`wh d`mm{u, wel oph oeped`we wepeg xhms PCI, h bmn p`gp`a`r{b`knq|, wrna{ sdnbkerbnphr| rpeanb`mhl b{bnd` 3D cp`thjh b pefhle pe`k|mncn bpelemh. AGP ongbnkhr ankee }ttejrhbmn hqonk|gnb`r| o`lr| qrp`mhwmncn astep` (frame buffer), rel q`l{l sbekhwhb` opnhgbndhrek|mnqr| 2D cp`thjh r`jfe, j`j sbekhwhb` qjnpnqr| opnunfdemh onrnj` d`mm{u 3D cp`thjh wepeg qhqrels. Nopedekemhe AGP, j`j bhd oplncn qnedhmemh lefds cp`thweqjni ondqhqrelni h qhqrelmni o`lr|~, m`g{b`erq qnedhmemhe point-to-point. B deiqrbhrek|mnqrh, AGP qnedhmer cp`thweqjs~ ondqhqrels q aknjnl sop`bkemh qhqrelmni o`lr|~, p`gdek }rnr dnqrso j o`lrh q vemrp`k|m{l opnveqqnpnl jnlo|~rep` (CPU). Wepeg AGP lnfmn ondjk~whr| rnk|jn ndhm rho sqrpniqrb - }rn cp`thweqj` ok`r`. Cp`thweqjhe qhrel{, bqrpnemm{e b l`rephmqjs~ ok`rs h hqonk|gs~yhe AGP me lncsr a{r| skswxem{. Opnhgbndhrek|mnqr| rejqrspm{u j`pr

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Nopedekemhe Intel ondrbepfd`~yee, wrn onqke pe`khg`vhh AGP qr`mnbhrq qr`md`prnl, qkedser hg rncn, wrn aeg r`jncn pexemh, dnqrhfemhe norhl`k|mni opnhgbndhrek|mnqrh 3D cp`thjh b PC asder nwem| rpsdmn dnqrhcmsr|. 3D cp`thj` b pefhle pe`k|mncn bpelemh rpeaser opnunfdemh nwem| ank|xncn onrnj` d`mm{u cp`thweqjs~ ondqhqrels. Aeg AGP dk pexemh }rni opnakel{ rpeaserq ophlememh meqr`md`prm{u sqrpniqrb o`lrh, jnrnp{e bk~rq dnpncnqrnyhlh. Oph ophlememhh AGP rejrspm` hmtnpl`vh h d`mm{e z-astep` lncsr up`mhrq b qhqrelmni o`lrh. Oph ankee }ttejrhbmnl hqonk|gnb`mhh qhqrelmni o`lrh, cp`thweqjhe ok`r{ m` a`ge AGP me rpeas~r qnaqrbemmni o`lrh dk up`memh rejqrsp, h lncsr opedk`c`r|q sfe on gm`whrek|mn ankee mhgjhl vem`l. Renphrhweqjh PCI lnck` a{ b{onkmr| re fe tsmjvhh, wrn h AGP, mn opnhgbndhrek|mnqr| a{k`a{ mednqr`rnwmni dk ank|xhmqrb` ophknfemhi. Intel p`gp`a`r{b`k` AGP dk tsmjvhnmhpnb`mh m` w`qrnre 133 MHz, h dk sop`bkemh o`lr|~ on qnbepxemmn dpscnls ophmvhos wel }rn nqsyeqrbker PCI. B qksw`e q PCI, k~a` hmtnpl`vh m`undy`q b qhqrelmni o`lrh, me bkerq thghweqjh meopep{bmni. ]rn ngm`w`er, wrn qsyeqrbser g`depfj` oph hqonkmemhh, onj` hmtnpl`vh qwhr{b`erq on qbnels thghweqjnls `dpeqs b qhqrelmni o`lrh, h oeped`erq on msfmnls osrh b cp`thweqjs~ ondqhqrels. B qksw`e q AGP, Intel qngd`k` leu`mhgl, b pegsk|r`re wecn, thghweqjhi `dpeq on jnrnpnls hmtnpl`vh up`mhrq b qhqrelmni o`lrh, qnbepxemmn me b`fem dk cp`thweqjni ondqhqrel{. ]rn jk~webne pexemhe, jncd` ophknfemhe hqonk|gser qhqrelms~ o`lr|, wrna{ onksw`r| h up`mhr| menaundhls~ hmtnpl`vh~. B qhrele m` nqmnbe AGP, me hleer gm`wemh j`j h cde up`mrq d`mm{e n rejqrsp`u, cp`thweqj` ondqhqrel` hleer onkm{i h aegopnakelm{i dnqrso j rpeaselni hmtnpl`vhh. Intel nfhd`er, wrn AGP asder bmedpem onwrh b 90% bqeu qhqrel j jnmvs qrnkerh. Hmdsqrph jnlo|~repmni cp`thjh, j`j qnnayeqrbn p`gp`anrwhjnb `oo`p`rm{u h opncp`llm{u qpedqrb, onddepf`k` h ophmk` qoevhthj`vh~ AGP. B nrkhwhe nr PCI, cde qsyeqrbser lmncn qnoepmhw`~yhu lefds qnani p`gkhwm{u sqrpniqrb` dk sop`bkemh xhmni, b qksw`e q AGP edhmqrbemm{l sqrpniqrbnl bkerq cp`thweqj` ondqhqrel`. Nfhd`erq, wrn oepbnm`w`k|mn, j jnmvs 1997 cnd`, Intel m`wmer onqr`bjh l`rephmqjhu ok`r q onddepfjni AGP dk qhqrel m` a`ge Pentium II. Opedonknfhrek|mn onddepfj` AGP asder pe`khgnb`m` b mnb{u whoqer`u Intel dk qhqrel m` a`ge Pentium Pro h Pentium II ond m`hlemnb`mhel i440LX h ongdmee i440BX. Onddepfjh qn qrnpnm{ Intel AGP dk qhqrelm{u ok`r dk Pentium me nfhd`erq. Op`bd` jnmjspemr{ Intel on opnhgbndqrbs h p`gp`arje whoeqernb sfe `mnmqhpnb`kh qnaqrbemm{e m`anp{ knchjh q onddepfjni AGP dk qhqrel m` a`ge Socket7, }rn SiS h VIA b `k|mqe q AMD. Dhg`im xhm{ AGP ophgb`m opend`ker| ncp`mhwemh xhm{ PCI oph oeped`we d`mm{u b qhqrelmni o`lrh. AGP ongbnker skswxhr| thghweqjs~ qjnpnqr| oeped`wh d`mm{u, p`anr` m` r`jrnbni w`qrnre b 133 MHz, on qp`bmemh~ q 66 MHz r`jrnbni w`qrnr{ xhm{ PCI, h jpnle rncn, AGP naeqoewhb`er qnck`qnb`mmne sop`bkemhe o`lr|~, jnrnpne dnosqj`er p`gapnq`mmnqr| d`mm{u b qhqrelmni o`lrh h hu a{qrpne qwhr{b`mhe qksw`im{l nap`gnl. AGP ongbnker sbekhwhr| me rnk|jn opnhgbndhrek|mnq| 3D cp`thjh b pefhle pe`k|mncn bpelemh g` qwer sqjnpemh b{bnd` rejqrsp, mn h slem|x`er nays~ qrnhlnqr| qngd`~yhuq b{qnjnopnhgbndhrek|m{u cp`thweqjhu ondqhqrel, g` qwer hqonk|gnb`mh qsyeqrbs~yhu `puhrejrsp qhrelmni o`lrh. G` nqmnbs bgr l`reph`k hg Diamond White Papers. 1 njrap 1997 cnd`
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